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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the structural features of linguistic expertise as a special document used in judicial practice in the Russian Federation. The conclusions of the Guild of Linguists-Experts in Documentary and Information Disputes on cases of drug propaganda, extremism and terrorism are used as practical material. The stages of expert research are analyzed, a list of methods used is given, and questions requiring the permission of an expert linguist are outlined. The conceptual apparatus and the content of each of the sections of the expert’s opinion, compiled based on the results of the forensic linguistic examination, are described in detail. Particular importance in the article is given to the sphere of competence of specialists involved in making conclusions of the judicial document under consideration. The theoretical sources on which the research is based ensure the reliability and validity of the results obtained. It is concluded that the quality of linguistic expertise depends directly on the skills and abilities of the expert to unequivocally answer the questions posed by the court, to give direct unambiguous answers regarding unacceptable communicative behavior in society.

linguistic expertise, linguistic expert, conclusion, methods of analysis, terms and concepts, tasks of the expert
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