Russian Federation
VAC 5.8.7 Методология и технология профессионального образования
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
The subject of the research is the process of improving the pedagogical training of adjuncts studying in the direction 40.07.01 “Jurisprudence”. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the organizational and methodological conditions, through which the preparation of adjuncts for teaching is maximized. The main organizational and methodological conditions for increasing the level of pedagogical training of adjuncts for teaching activities are analyzed on the basis of an innovative approach to the forms and means of teaching, using the effectiveness of self-training of students on the example of the academic discipline “Introduction to the teaching profession”. The authors consider in detail such conditions as the formation of the motivation of adjuncts to teaching and pedagogical thinking, the creation of an innovative educational environment in the classroom. Significant attention is paid to the use of an integrated approach in the application of teaching methods in the classroom of a pedagogical orientation, their flexibility and dynamism. The main conclusion of the study are that the preparation of adjuncts for teaching legal disciplines is facilitated to a large extent by the development of disciplines of a psychological and pedagogical orientation. The authors substantiate the need for pedagogical training of adjuncts in the direction of jurisprudence within the framework of the identified organizational and methodological conditions, which find their implementation in the development of other academic disciplines and ensure readiness for teaching.
adjuncts, pedagogical training, professionally oriented education, educational process, organizational and methodological conditions, innovative forms of education, motivation, pedagogical thinking, innovative educational environment, educational technologies
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