Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the essence of the concept of “interaction” as a key direction of crime detection and investigation. The opinions of scientists on understanding the essence of the concept of “interaction” are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis of normative legal acts and the opinions of scientists given in the text of the work, the author defines the concept of “interaction”, on the basis of which he reasonably determines the essence of forensic interaction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of forensic interaction in remote search and cognitive investigative actions by revealing problems in its organization. The author substantiates the position of improving the forensic interaction of the subjects of the preliminary investigation by expanding it to the stages following the search and cognitive investigative actions, in particular, to the stage of conducting examinations. The directions of improving the legislation on the issue under consideration and the procedure for conducting search and cognitive investigative actions in remote mode are proposed.

interaction, forensic interaction, investigator, employee of the expert-forensic unit, investigative action, search and cognitive investigative actions, remote conduct of investigative actions, problems, problems of remote conduct of investigative actions
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