Russian Federation
UDK 343.365 Личное пособничество совершению преступлений. Укрывательство
The article deals with the concept of obviously not promised concealment of a crime, and the question of the differentiation of not promised concealment of a crime and aiding as a type of crime complic ity. The authors determine the features of qualification of the act of law-breaking in question according to the elements of the corpus delicti provided by Article 316 “Concealment of crimes” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the research was establishing the effectiveness of criminalization of obviously not promised concealment of serious crimes committed against minors under the age of fourteen. For this purpose, the authors analysed preconditions for introducing criminal liability for the concealment of serious crimes committed against minors under the age of fourteen, retrospective statistical data on the number of persons convicted for having committed the criminal acts under consideration, the number of serious crimes committed against minors and the main factors leading to crimes against minors. In the end the authors make a conclusion that the criminalization of the concealment of serious crimes committed against minors under the age of fourteen is futile, if there is a note to the article according to which persons are exempted from criminal liability for the obviously not promised concealment of a crime committed by their spouse or close relative.
concealment, aiding, obviously not promised concealment, involvement in a crime, a minor, a serious crime, a particularly serious crime
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