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Abstract (English):
Conducting a presentation for identification, in contrast to such investigative actions as an interrogation or an inspection of the scene of the incident, may not be relevant in the investigation of every criminal case. There must be a number of conditions for its implementation. Identification of a person is relevant in the case of direct perception of one person, previously unknown to him, by another person, who at the same time remembered his signs well, and did not see him later, in connection with the investigation of a criminal case, Item – if a crime weapon or stolen items are found during the investigation. In the event that conditions arise for carrying out the investigative action under consideration, it becomes very important for obtaining evidence. However, in the process of its production, many problematic situations may arise, and there are gaps in its procedural regulation. These aspects, as well as possible ways to overcome the emerging difficulties, are considered in the article. The evidence that can be obtained as a result of this investigative action is analyzed. The review of problematic situations that may arise in the process of presentation for identification is carried out, and ways of their resolution are proposed.

presentation for identification, mirror Gesell, counter identification, identifiable, identifying statistician
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