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Abstract (English):
The article highlights the ways in which evidence is declared inadmissible. At any stage of the preliminary investigation, an important place is always given to the procedural procedure. In case of violation of the requirements of this procedure, any procedural action of the investigator may be considered unlawful, and the evidence thus obtained is inadmissible. An efective procedure for the admissibility of evidence would ensure the efectiveness of all criminal proceedings. The main determinant of the admissibility of evidence in criminal proceedings is not the fact that it is classifed as acquittal or indictment, but the fact that it is properly obtained in accordance with the criminal procedure law. If it is confrmed that there is a violation of the existing criminal procedure in any method of seeking evidence, such evidence cannot be considered admissible.

criminal proceedings, proof, admissibility of evidence, investigation of criminal cases, preliminary investigation, investigative actions
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