UDK 351.741 Организация органов охраны общественного порядка. Организация милиции, полиции
This article discusses certain issues of corruption in the internal affairs bodies, as well as factors that have a negative impact on the timeliness and effectiveness of the prevention of corruption crimes.
corruption, crime, official, investigator, prevention, anti-corruption behavior
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5. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of June 13, 1996. No. 63-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2004. No. 32. Art. 1098. (In Russ.)
6. Sentence of the Leninsky Court of Nizhny Novgorod in criminal case No. 1-37/2017 // Rospravosudie: state. information system of the Russian Federation. URL: http://bsr.sudrf.ru/bigs/portal.html (date of access: 15.03.2022). (In Russ.)
7. Employees of the GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia detained the head of one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Adygea while receiving a bribe: news // Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: official website. URL: https://mvd.rf/news/item/1139271 (date of access: 15.03.2022). (In Russ.)