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Abstract (English):
The creation of a single investigative body, as one of the many proposals to improve legislation, aimed at ensuring an objective and impartial approach of officials to the investigation of crimes, deserves the closest attention. However, there are arguments both in favor and against such a decision. We believe that they should be assessed based on the holistic concept of procedural management of the investigation of crimes, which finds its application in relation to the criminal procedural statuses of investigators, inquirers, heads of investigative bodies, heads of bodies and departments of inquiry, prosecutors and judges, who, by their decisions, within the framework of available procedural powers have a controlling, organizing and coordinating influence on other participants in the criminal process, which subsequently directly or indirectly affects its outcome and the achievement of the purpose of criminal proceedings.

management through criminal procedural powers, investigation of crimes, concept, single investigative body, procedural powers, objectivity, impartiality, improvement of legislation.
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