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Abstract (English):
In the modern context, when discussing the limitations of public power, special attention is paid to mechanisms that go beyond strictly formalized legal norms. The central place among them is occupied by non-legal forms of regulation, which represent a wide arsenal of tools based on moral norms, public expectations, cultural practices, traditions, ideological attitudes and principles. This set of mechanisms plays a significant role in shaping the boundaries of government structures, complementing and sometimes replacing legal means of control and restraint of power. The appeal to non-legal forms of restriction of power is not only of theoretical interest, but also has practical significance, since it allows us to identify and analyze ways of normative influence on state structures outside the strictly legal field, to identify their effectiveness and limits of applicability. This approach opens up new perspectives for studying the mechanisms of restraint of power, offering an alternative view of the processes of cooperation and conflict between the state and society.

restrictions, public authority, legal means, legal impact, illegal forms of restriction
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