Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 37 Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article presents a fundamentally new model (indicative basis) of the activi-ties of pedagogical subjects in the prevention of deviant behavior of minors, built on the basis of a situational-environmental approach in pedagogical design. The authors explain the deviant behavior of adolescents by the occurrence in the vital activity of minors of a situation of maladaptation in interaction with the educational environment, the main reason for which is the deformation of the relationship of personality to oneself and one's social environment (destruction of the subject position). Modeling of activities on pedagogical prevention of juvenile deviant behavior is carried out on the basis of methodological regulations of the situational environmental approach, which determines the creation of a personal-developing educational environment for the leading purpose of such prevention, its content is the design of incentives and opportunities for personal growth of a teenager (development of its subject position), and procedural and indicative basis – overcoming by pedagogical subjects the risks of maladaptation in situations of various types (perception, structuring of the environment and identification with an educational environment; free selection of medium components, experimentation in medium and test of its forces; value-meaning orientation, self-presentation, dialogue in the environment; self-affirmation and self-realization in an educational environ-ment).
minor, deviant behavior, pedagogical prevention, educational environment, personality maladaptation situation
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