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Abstract (English):
In the legal literature attention is mainly drawn to the tactics of interrogation, which can be used in the preliminary investigation. At the same time, interrogations of the defendant, victim and witness are the central elements of the judicial investigation at the trial stage, as well as during the review of the criminal case. At the same time, interrogations in court proceedings have characteristic features (poly-subjectivity, a complicated structure, public nature, the possibility of external adverse factors affecting the ability and desire of a person to give truthful testimony, the interrogated person’s awareness of the subject of interrogation, remoteness in time from the perception of the circumstances on which testimony is given), which significantly differ the tactics of their implementation. In this regard, the authors state that in court there is a narrowing of the range of tactical and forensic techniques in relation to similar techniques that can be used to obtain reliable testimony during the preliminary investigation.

court, judge, trial, interrogation, taking evidence, tactical features, tactics
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