Institute of Strategic Studies of the State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (Scientific Center for the Study of Social Development of the Region, Senior Researcher)
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 371 Организация воспитания и образования. Школоведение
GRNTI 04.51 Социология сфер социальной жизни, социальных явлений и институтов
BBK 605 Социология
Through the analysis of official statistical data, the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, and growing trends in childhood disability are identified both in Russia as a whole and in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The concepts of a child with disabilities and the specifics of his status in contrast to a disabled child are given. Based on a chronological analysis of the regional regulatory framework that codifies the issues of organizing the educational activities of children with special, including educational, needs, the leading laws in this area regulating management practice have been studied. Measures of social support for children with special needs and key points in the formation of an inclusive education system are reflected in a number of decrees of the government of the republic. Regional educational policy includes a set of measures aimed at ensuring that children with disabilities receive a full-fledged education, and at increasing the accessibility of general education for all children, regardless of individual characteristics. These measures include the development of adapted basic educational programs and new professional standards for teaching positions, thanks to which children with special needs can receive basic general education.
children with disabilities, disabled children, Republic of Bashkortostan, health disorders, general education, inclusive education, adapted general education programs, educational process, law, resolution
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