Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of an empirical study (survey) of 118 graduates of the magistracy of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who studied in absentia. The survey was conducted at the beginning of 2024 and was aimed at identifying the degree of satisfaction of parttime students with the process of organizing and implementing distance learning, their difficulties in the educational process related to the distance learning format, as well as finding possible solutions to the discovered problematic issues. The obtained quantitative results are accompanied by a qualitative interpretation, which makes it possible to determine potential “growth points” of the distance learning system in terms of improving the organization of the educational process, the methodological activities of teachers, improving the electronic information and educational environment of the university. The work outlines promising topics for future research related to distance learning.

distance learning, higher education, correspondence education, electronic information and educational environment, quality of education, load calculation
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