St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
The article is devoted to the problems and prospects for improving information and propaganda work in internal affairs bodies in current situation. The evolution of approaches to organizing and conducting this work is considered, from the traditional explanatory and defensive approach to more modern forms that take into account changes in the socio-political situation, a sharp increase in information warfare, the desire to develop information and telecommunication technologies and the transformation of media consumption. The author analyzes the existing problems and contradictions in the organization of information and propaganda work in the internal affairs bodies, associated with the changed conditions of its perception and the need to adapt the forms and methods of work to new realities. Particular attention is paid to the issues of training qualified personnel carrying out this work, capable of working effectively in the digital environment and countering information threats. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the need for an in-depth scientific analysis of ways to improve information and propaganda work in internal affairs bodies, research on its organization and content in modern conditions, as well as the development of scientific and methodological materials for training, advanced training and retraining of employees of departments working with personnel of bodies internal affairs bodies carrying out information and propaganda work.
information, outreach, digital environment, personnel training, professional tasks, training
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