from 01.01.2021 until now
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Modern humanity is in an unstable state of its development; a search is underway for a way to transition societies to a new one. Today, social science faces difficulties in studying these processes. They are associated with their subject-object uncertainty. As a result, there is a need to expand the methodological and theoretical bases of research by attracting elements of similar bases of other paradigms. These processes lead to the emergence of a tendency toward paradigmatic synthesis in research. The article discusses linear, cyclical, synthetic (linear-cyclic) paradigms for understanding the historical process. In accordance with this classification, studies of transitional states of human development are systematized, these studies are analyzed for the presence of elements that are not characteristic of their paradigm. Using methods of paradigmatic systematization of research positions and phenomenological intentional analysis, a conclusion is made about the need for paradigmatic synthesis, and methodological conditions for the implementation of this synthesis are identified. Thus, we will methodologically carry out a synthesis of paradigms that recognize the principle of development, focusing on the dialectical law of qualitative and quantitative changes. It is possible to synthesize metaphysical paradigms that are not based on the principle of development. Paradigmatic synthesis of methodologically opposite paradigms (dialectical and metaphysical) is impossible.
transitional states of human development, historical process, paradigms of interpretation of history, paradigmatic synthesis, socio-economic formation, social system, civilization
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