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Abstract (English):
Stat'ya analiziruet voprosy, svyazannye s metodologiey formirovaniya lingvisticheskoy i professional'noy kompetenciy, a takzhe global'noy kompetentnosti u obuchayuschihsya Universiteta vnutrennih del Mongolii i Ufimskogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. Podcherkivaetsya, chto izuchenie professional'nogo inostrannogo yazyka, v chastnosti angliyskogo, yavlyaetsya obyazatel'nym komponentom podgotovki sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del. Akcentiruetsya vnimanie na problemah globalizacii obrazovaniya. Otmechaetsya, chto vklyuchenie v soderzhanie uchebnoy programmy professional'nogo angliyskogo yazyka temy o global'nyh prestupleniyah, poyavivshihsya naryadu s obschestvennym razvitiem i effektivnym ispol'zovaniem v uchebnom processe interaktivnyh metodov, razvivaet u obuchayuschihsya mezhlichnostnye navyki, chto sposobstvuet povysheniyu kachestva konechnogo rezul'tata obucheniya. Delaetsya vyvod o tom, chto sochetanie professional'nyh navykov, mezhlichnostnyh navykov i global'nyh kompetenciy budet sposobstvovat' pozitivnomu vliyaniyu global'nogo obrazovatel'nogo podhoda na metodiku prepodavaniya professional'nogo angliyskogo yazyka.

global education, global citizen, global competence, professional English, interpersonal skills/ soft skills, global skills
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