UDK 343.973 Экономические причины преступлений. Нужда и преступность
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently there are facts of the participation of employees of the economic security and anti–corruption units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter referred to as EB and PC) in the commission of economic crimes, which are aimed at combating these criminal phenomena. This negative trend is determined by a combination of factors. One of them is the insufficient consideration of the historical experience of organizing the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Soviet period. Based on this, the results of the research conducted in the article can serve as a guideline for further improvement of the organization and activities of internal affairs bodies in the field of combating economic crimes. The article analyzes the process of formation, development and activity of the apparatus for combating theft of socialist property and speculation (hereinafter – BHSS) in the period from 1937 to 1947. The author highlighted the prerequisites that led to the formation of these services, their main areas of activity, and the peculiarities of functioning in the pre-war, military and first post-war years. The features of the structural construction are revealed. The paper analyzes the prerequisites that determined the transformation in 1947. Of the BHSS Department to the BHSS Management, and the results of the transformations carried out.
OBHSS, UBHSS, militia units, NKVD, Ministry of Internal Affairs, protection of socialist property.
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