from 01.01.2001 until now
UDK 811 Языки естественные и искусственные
The article deals with the issues of formation of professionally-focused foreign language lexical competence through the compilation of terminological dictionaries in the course of educational activities. It is emphasized that the main purpose of developing of a dictionary of a specialty is the formation of a foreign-language vocabulary of a student as a system of concepts of a certain field of knowledge expressed by lexical means of a foreign language with their extensive connections and relationships. After analyzing of the scientific methodological literature the author formulates the functions and components of the legal terminological dictionary, describes the stages of its formation. The paper proposes the most effective methods of selecting of terminological lexical units from the electronic dictionaries for compiling of the “Law” educational dictionary. The tasks for mastering and consolidating the terminological vocabulary for organizing of group-work and independent work are given. The characteristics of this teaching method are discussed based on the results of tests and questioning of students.
competence-based approach, professionally focused lexical competence, jurisprudence, lexical minimum, dictionary entry, glossary, educational dictionary, electronic dictionaries
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