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Abstract (English):
The article discusses some features of the process of patriotic education, built on the basis of situational and environmental approach; the structure of personal patriotism is defined as a combination of four components: motivational; cognitive; reflexive; creative. The author synthesizes the concept of “personal patriotic position”, identifies four stages of its formation during the interaction of the subject with the environment of patriotic education, describes the specifics of the activity of the pupil’s personality on each of them: knowledge of the environment of patriotic education; self-knowledge in the environment of patriotic education; development of a personal patriotic position; realization of a patriotic position. The issues to which the article is devoted concern the self-determination of the individual in terms of the formation of a system of its interrelated value-semantic relations to his country and himself as a citizen of the country, which indicates the relevance and prospects of further scientific development of the problem under consideration.

patriotism, patriotic education, the personality of a patriot, personal patriotic position
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