from 01.01.2009 to 01.01.2024
Sterlitamak, Ufa, Russian Federation
The article presents a retrospective view of the development of the institute of prosecutor's supervision in the economic sphere as a basis for the elaboration of concepts of prospective development of the prosecutor's office. Characterizing and explaining the normative legal acts of different periods of the institution under consideration, the authors trace its role and place among the prosecutor's offices in the system of public authorities and society as a whole, thus emphasizing their high importance. The position regarding the relevance of the historical experience of the development of the institution of prosecution at present is formulated. Doctrinal sources related to different interpretations of the concepts under study, the works of scientists in the framework of the topic under consideration were used as materials of the study. The study is based on a set of scientific methods. Formal-legal, retrospective, comparative-legal methods and the method of actualization are of the fundamental value.
: institute of prosecutor’s supervision, economic sphere, powers of prosecutor’s office, prosecutor’s activity, strengthening of legality, protection of various social and economic rights, sphere of activity of prosecutor’s office, subjects of crime prevention, retrospective view, formation and development
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