from 01.01.2015 until now
Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The assessment of the effectiveness of students’ industrial (pre-diploma) internships conducted by educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the main indicators of the formation of professional competencies of graduates and their readiness for independent performance of official duties. The principles of professionalism, competence approach, organization of the learning environment, reflective practical training and individualization of practical training form the basis for the formation of a complex assessment of the effectiveness of the practice. The article focuses on such evaluation criteria as compliance with the requirements for professional activities, requirements of federal state educational standards higher education, availability of professional and pedagogical qualifications of practice leaders in the territorial units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, compliance with conditions and possibilities of the material and technical base in the places of practice, trainees’ satisfaction with the results of practice with recommendations for individual development of their interests and abilities. The experience of implementing the practical training program shows the need for modular training, with control over the completeness of all practical activities. It is proposed to assess the actual readiness of graduates for independent service in three stages - theoretical, practical and final.
cadets, effectiveness assessment, practice, professional competences, district police officer, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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