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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to methodological techniques used when working with video materials. Educational videos have become an integral part of the higher education providing an essential tool for communicating content to students during various types of classes such as practical instructions, seminars and lectures including “The Basics of the Russian Sign Language”. Video materials are effective educational means. They allow to develop independent thinking and form communicative competence. The use of videos for practical classes on the Russian sign language represents the development of multimedia since there is an active techno-pedagogy development nowadays. The article emphasizes that the effective use of video as an educational tool is enhanced by means of three elements. They are cognitive load, motivation of students and active learning. The author offers practical ways for those who apply the principles of teaching with the use of educational videos. They help to increase motivation of students and achieve the planned results.

the Russian sign language, cognitive load, educational process, motivation, educational video, techno pedagogy
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