Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the consideration of forensic support for the investigation of crimes against the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia as a scientific category of forensic science. A retrospective analysis of the formation of the definition of forensic support for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of crimes is given, the characteristic features of the formulations proposed by various forensic scientists are summarized and analyzed. The author’s position regarding the versatility of understanding this scientific category is presented. The study of forensic literature made it possible to propose the author’s definition of forensic support for the investigation of crimes against the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, based on the concept of the science of forensic science and the content of the elements that form the subject of its study. The content of the forensic support for the investigation of crimes of the category under consideration, based on traditional views on the 4-element system of the science of forensic science, is disclosed, each of its elements is briefly characterized. The tasks of forensic support are formulated, conclusions are drawn about the possibilities and prospects for further research in this scientific category.

investigation, crime, cultural heritage, forensic support, scientific category, private forensic technique
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