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Abstract (English):
Physical training of police officers first of all is aimed at forming their readiness to use physical force. The ability to effectively use physical force and combat methods of struggle often plays a key role in the event of an extreme situation in the operational and service activities of employees of security and convoy units. This study presents the results of testing the method of situational modeling based on the use of typical situations of operational and service activities. In the course of the study, a complex was formed consisting of the most common operational and service situations of the use of physical force by employees of security and escort units. The approbation of this training complex within the variable discipline «Actual issues of the activities of security and escort units of the police» revealed the effective formation of skills in the use of combat techniques of fighting among students enrolled in professional training programs for the position of an employee of the «Policeman» category of employees of security and escort units.

employees of security and convoy units, physical training, situational modeling, the use of physical force, fighting techniques of struggle
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