Russian Federation
UDK 811.161.1 Русский язык
The article emphasizes that the study of the Russian legal system in terms of the impact (interaction) of subjects with the help of linguistic means is very relevant; legal communication is characterized as a functional element of the legal system of society; the legal text is described as a basic construct of legal communication; emphasis is placed on the communicative understanding of law as one of the aspects of revealing the phenomenon of the essence of law and it is proposed to consider the strategy of creating a text as a product of the situation, taking into account various factors, including linguistic ones. The authors note that the legal text, which is a unit of the speech, communicative system, has specific pragmatic and functional features, and come to the conclusion that such texts comply with the textual norm, that is, they meet the requirements for structuring the totality of language units in accordance with the speech situation in order to ensure maximum effect of legal communication.
legal communication, legal text, speech interaction, function of obligation
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