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Abstract (English):
The issue of respecting and protecting cultural values and moral norms at the present stage is becoming more and more pressing for all civilized states, including the Republic of Moldova. Moral and cultural education is a particularly important aspect of a human personality in a democratic society, as economic and spiritual progress depends on the degree of the commitment of every individual in the common effort to increase the quality of life. However, we have to admit that, although cultural values and moral norms are promoted at a high level in a contemporary society, the recent decades have seen an alarming increase in the rate of their violation, which is thought as a form of destructive human behavior. Therefore, the destructive social manifestations were categorized by the representatives of the state or by certain social, professional or ethnic categories who identified their damaged interests or the destroyed property as acts of vandalism.

vandalism, destruction, damage, causes, conditions, factors, circumstances, destructive behav ior, self-affirmation
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