Moscow, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
Continuing the previously begun research on the initial stage of criminal prosecution in Russian criminal proceedings, the authors draw attention to the fact that the legislative algorithm for criminal proceedings established in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not provide for specific rules that directly determine the relationship and correlation of acts of initiating a criminal case and the accused. Meanwhile, in reality, a number of options are possible, both the coincidence of these acts on the subject of criminal prosecution, and their discrepancies on this subject. Due to the lack of a direct resolution of such a situation in the law, in practice problems arise that do not always have an obvious way out. Based on the analysis of investigative and judicial practice, the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the foundations of the relationship and correlation of acts of criminal prosecution in pre-trial proceedings are formulated, and on this basis, amendments to the law are proposed.
criminal proceedings, the framework of criminal proceedings, initiation of a criminal case, initiation of criminal prosecution, prosecution as an accused, indictment, termination of criminal prosecution
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