UDK 343.45 Преступления против обязанности сохранения тайны
This article reveals the current tourism concept and its features in the Russian legislation, including in dynamics. The discussion constitutional feature of the tourism concept is free time; indeed, in the absence of this feature a traveler can only formally be considered a tourist. Cybertourism can become a partial substitute for real tourism, which will require a more specific legal regulation of the latter. An integrated approach to the definition of the tourism concept is advisable, therefore, the attribution of tourism with economy, sports, youth, culture or other phenomena is correct. The legislator formulated the goals of tourism in an open list; as an unnamed tourism goal, we should talk about a communicative goal. A promising research field is the study of the place and role of cybertourism, as well as subject and limits of the normative fixing of the latter.
turizm, konstitutivnyy priznak, svobodnoe vremya, kompleksnyy podhod
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