UDK 343.982.356 Следы инструментов
UDK 343.773 Лесные преступления
The article discusses the way of committing illegal logging as an element of the forensic characteristics of the crime. Based on the study of statistical data, materials of judicial and investigative practice, the relevance of the chosen direction of research is determined. The article reveals the classifcation of the methods of committing the crime in question, as well as the tools for committing this crime and the mechanism of trace formation. Accordingly, illegal logging is distinguished, carried out with the help of chainsaws, hand saws, battery saws, axes and other devices and devices, as well as damage of a diferent nature to the extent that trees stop growing. It is concluded that knowledge of the distinctive features of the commission of illegal logging of forest plantations will make it possible to establish a trace picture of the actions of persons committing these crimes, which will positively afect the result of the entire investigation.
illegal felling of forest stands, forensic characteristics of a crime, way of committing a crime, classifcation, traces of a crime, counteraction to crimes
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