In this article the author provides a comparative analysis of the drug situation in Russia, as well as information about the maintenance of people with drug addiction, their personality, and the possibility of alienation from society. At the same time, special attention is paid to the personality of a drug addict, his participation in drug trafficking, as well as crimes committed by drug addicts, including those in a state of drug intoxication. The legal basis for the activities of penitentiary departments in the field of treatment and resocialization of drug addicts is considered. Topical issues of the effectiveness of interaction between the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the bodies of the penitentiary system in the field of treatment of convicted drug addicts in order to reduce mortality and the number of crimes are raised. A statistical analysis of the activities of the penitentiary departments of Russia is carried out.
sick of drug addiction, maintenance of convicts, alienation of personality, synthetic cannabinoids, treatment of convicts, analysis of the drug situation
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