UDK 351.741 Организация органов охраны общественного порядка. Организация милиции, полиции
The article discusses the features of police law at the present stage of its development. The legal mechanism and the logic of the operation of binding, empowering and prohibiting norms has some specifics in police law, disclosed by the author. The advantage in legal regulation is obtained by legal restrictions, coercive measures. The phenomenon of police law is investigated in relation to which branch or normative community it is closer in nature to. The author analyzes the features of the analyzed type of law, which allow a deeper understanding of it from the theoretical and legal positions. Control and supervision in police law become a means of exercising control over members of society in various fields, acquiring the property of detail. The mechanism of operation of police law declares the protection of law and order and the protection of values that are significant for the whole society and for each individual in particular. In conclusion, the author draws a number of conclusions, including the fact that certain features of police law can also be found in modern states that declare themselves democratic and legal, so its phenomenon deserves further study.
police law; binding norms; enabling norms; prohibition rules; legal regulation mechanism; prohibitions; restrictions; police state
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