UDK 347.19 Юридические лица и сходные образования. Виды юридических лиц
In the theory of criminal law, the question arises again as to how to “regulate” within the framework of the matter of criminal legislation the liability of legal entities for their law-violating activities and the negatives thereof in modern economic, financial, market conditions, which carry a corruption “burden”, give rise to serious dangerous conditions, long-term threats and criminogenic circumstances. This material reflects the idea of abandoning the attempt to “aggravate” the criminal legislation of Russia with an uncharacteristic encumbrance based on the experience of a number of countries of Western Europe and the United States, by including into it the regulation of criminal liability of legal entities.
legal entity, individual entrepreneur, criminal liability, guilt, subject of crime and offense, punishment, sanctioned coercion
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9. Naumov A. V. Criminal liability of legal entities (doctrinal and law-making aspects) // Law and state. 2017. No. 1-2 (74-75). P. 106–118. (In Russ.)
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11. Volzhenkin B. V. Criminal liability of legal entities: Series “Modern standards in criminal law and criminal procedure”. St. Petersburg, 1998. 40 p. (In Russ.)
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