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Abstract (English):
The article is dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the formation of Ufa as a Russian fortress, which had an important strategic significance in the system of fortresses and other fortifications built on the initiative of Moscow to strengthen the Russian/Russian statehood in the East as the territory expanded and the population increased. The controversial issue of dating the formation of Ufa as a fortress city is considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that the role of Ufa was not limited to performing only security functions (defense of the eastern borders of the state, including the Bashkir region, from threats emanating from a hostile environment). It is noted that Ufa also played an integration role in that regard, introduced the local population (not only the Bashkirs, but also other peoples living in the Urals and the Volga region) to civilizational values (the Russian language, culture), instilled a love for agriculture, trade, crafts, and other socially useful activities. Attention is drawn to the fact that, due to its location, Ufa contributed to the establishment of good-neighborly relations between Russia and neighboring peoples and countries through diplomatic means. Facts are given that characterize the development of Ufa in different historical periods. It is noted that in the new conditions, Ufa, as the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan and a self-governing unit, remaining faithful to Russian statehood, contributes to the integration of the multi-ethnic population into one civil Russian nation. As before, Ufa is an outpost of Russia, a stronghold and peace for its citizens, a home for all Ufa residents and a common national wealth.

statehood, eastern policy, Bashkir region, Ufa, education, fortress, city, outpost
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