UDK 316.46 Лидерство
The purpose of this article is to consider the general causes and conditions of the emergence of the early proto-state authority – the institution of the military leader, which arise from the organizational features of the primary types of ethnic community inherent in the post-modern society – family, clan, phratry, lineage, and finally, tribal and intertribal unions. This was ac-companied by a review of the administrative-organizational and political-management processes that took place in them. The crisis of manageability in them at the last stage of its existence led to a deep transformation of the object of management (tribal community) and the loss of the power of the governing subject. The way out of it was the creation of a permanent gov-ernment body within the tribe, based not on the local (communal-tribal) principle, but on the territorial principle. The socio-economic and political processes of the era of the late tribal system determined the situation when such a body could be only an institution of a military leader.
family, clan, lineage, phratry, tribe, chief, chiefdom, chiefdom
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