Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 351.745 Региональная полиция. Городская милиция (полиция). Местная милиция (полиция)
The paper examines the process of historical and legal formation and development of the Soviet police patrol service in the 20–30s of the twentieth century. Based on the involvement of various types of published sources, archival materials of the periodical press and scientific literature, the content of regulatory and legal documents regulating the functions, rights and responsibilities of patrol militia officers in the union and autonomous republics of the USSR is analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that official documents regulating the activities of the NKVD in the 20–30s of the twentieth century demonstrate a wide range of tasks of patrol militia officers, and also allow us to talk about the historical continuity of the professional qualities of the early Soviet militia and modern units of the police patrol service.
patrol service, Soviet police, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, crime, rights and responsibilities of the police, history of internal affairs bodies.
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