from 01.01.2023 until now
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
UDK 343.346 Транспортные преступления
UDK 347.453.6 Сдача внаем движимого имущества
UDK 629 Техника средств транспорта
The services provided by carsharing services are an integral part of life in today’s reality. Special attention is paid to the problem of accidents involving drivers of carsharing cars in Russia as a whole and in the Southern Federal District. Driving a rented vehicle while intoxicated, including by a person who has previously been subjected to administrative punishment or has a criminal record, in modern conditions poses a threat to the life and health of citizens and road safety. The author analyses the existing criminal law and criminalistic approaches to the consideration of a vehicle for carsharing services as a tool, means, subject of a crime, responsibility for which is provided for in Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the method of its commission and concealment. The problem of drivers in a state of intoxication using shortterm rental cars to conceal a crime under Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is also relevant. Among other things, possible ways to prevent the commission of these crimes, such as alcohol locks and attention tests, are analyzed. The author draws the conclusion that it is advisable to consider carsharing as a way of concealing a crime and a criminalistically significant element of Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
traffic safety, carsharing, driver, state of intoxication, detective, counteraction to the investigation
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