UDK 343.985.7 Тактика расследования отдельных видов преступлений
The current trend in the development of social relations in the Russian Federation clearly demonstrates to us the emergence of new transformations affecting absolutely all spheres of society, which naturally entails fundamental changes and the emergence of new forms of crime. Such a need as the search for new methods of combating crime, against the backdrop of economic, political and social upheavals, poses a specific task for law enforcement agencies in the formation of new methods for investigating crimes. As part of the committed illegal acts, property crimes dominate all committed and ongoing crimes. Secret theft of another’s property is one of the most common phenomena. Theft is a high danger to society due to the fact that infringement of the property rights of individuals or legal entities causes enormous material damage. Due to the rapid development of commercial enterprises in the country, law enforcement agencies are faced with difficulties in investigating thefts committed at retail enterprises. This is due to the specifics of the crimes themselves, as well as the lack of orderly knowledge on their identification and disclosure.
forensically significant information, methodology for investigating thefts, trading activities, retail trade, trade enterprises, retail trade enterprises, trade facilities
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