UDK 347.12 Общее о правах
The article is devoted to the study of the norms of civil law as the main element of the subject of the science of Civil Law. The author notes the lack of a unified concept of understanding the subject of Civil Law, both as a science and as a branch of law; critically examines the approach of some civilists who define the rule of law as the subject of Civil Law, in isolation from understanding the process of its emergence and application to specific social relations. Such a view leads not only to the mystification of the science of Civil Law, but also to the creation of normative legal acts divorced from reality. The author argues the opinion that the subject of the science of Civil Law is the process of formation, application of a legal norm, and the subject of Civil Law as a legal branch is the rule of law as a form of required or desired behavior.
Civil Law, legal norm, subject of Civil Law, logical structure of a legal norm, hypothesis of a legal norm, disposition of a legal norm
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