Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 340 Право в целом. Пропедевтика. Методы и вспомогательные правовые науки
The emergence of new labor legislation, which improved the rights of workers, was associated with a change in the socio-political and economic situation in the state. In the presented article based on normative sources, the legislative activity on the regulation of the legal status of workers in the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century is considered. The situation of factory workers, relations with employers were studied, and issues of organizing trade unions to protect workers’ rights were considered. The issues related to the development of the labor movement in the major cities of the empire are analyzed. The article is prepared on the basis of the most important special methods of historical and legal science: problem-chronological, which allowed to study the sequence of historical events in time; comparative legal, which allowed to compare facts and phenomena with each other; ideographic, which consists in describing events and phenomena; typological, contributing to the classification of historical events, phenomena, objects.
factory legislation, trade union, labor movement, workers’ rights
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