from 01.01.2023 until now
UDK 342.951 Административное право отдельных отраслей и общетвенных институтов
The issues of legal regulation of migration processes and illegal behavior of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation have not only lost the relevance in recent years but moreover and have been are increasingly becoming a subject of discussion in society. The work of government bodies is focused on improving migration legislation, as well as law enforcement practice in this area of public relations. This article is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of migration processes in the Russian Federation in the context of their impact on the offense rate of foreign citizens. The collection and processing of data used in this article were carried out by applying a set of general scientific methods, including observation, analysis, deduction, generalization, formal-logical method, as well as specific scientific methods, including formal-legal and comparative-legal methods. The paper analyses individual norms of national legislation in the studied area of public relations, as well as law enforcement practice and main trends. As a result, proposals were formulated to improve the legal mechanisms for counteracting offenses committed by foreign citizens.
migration processes, foreign citizens, offences, legal regulation, national legislation, counteraction
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