Selected aspects of the history and current state of free legal assistance in the conditions of transplantation of Western legal regulation
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Abstract (English):
The subject of the study is the influence of Western legal experience on the formation and development of the national system of providing free legal assistance. The object of the study is relations in the field of development of free legal assistance. The formation of free legal assistance from the moment of the emergence of the idea and the emergence of the practice of providing it in the Middle Ages to the modern state is considered. Particular attention is paid to the issues of legal regulation of free legal assistance in Russia and the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the PRC). It is noted that since the mid-19th century, with every major attempt to carry out legal reforms in Russia, the problem of legal support for those in need has been discussed, and the current state of legal assistance indicates its demand. Using the example of the PRC, the significant role of borrowing the legal experience of other countries in modern processes of forming free legal assistance was shown.

free legal assistance, legal assistance to those in need, provision of free assistance, free legal assistance in Russia, free legal assistance in the PRC, legal support for those in need, legal clinic
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