Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of Public and Municipal Administration, Professor)
Russian Federation
UDK 316.014 Микросоциология
UDK 316.343.28 Другие социальные слои и группы
UDK 316.776.4 Метакоммуникации
This article examines the features of methodological approaches to the study of everyday social practices. Tracing the genesis of the development of social Western European thought, it should be noted that, on the one hand, representatives of ethnology, anthropology and philosophy of mythology insist that everyday life in primitive societies is constructed from mythology and ideas about sympathetic magic, and on the other hand, some representatives of the sociology of everyday life, semiotics, actor-network theory, as well as cognitive science, believe that in order to understand modern social practices of individuals living in regions that have moved away from traditional society, it is necessary to proceed from an intersubjective view of social reality and that at present, in the context of understanding social reality, changes have occurred that somewhat force the Cartesian subject-object dichotomy and, perhaps, require a revision of the boundaries between these categories in the discourse of social relationships, since such boundaries were absent in the worldview of primitive societies.
ethnology, anthropology, sociology, symbolic interactionism, semiotics, philosophy of consciousness, actor-network theory, cognitive science, frame analysis.
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