from 01.01.2012 to 01.01.2024
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 343.3/.7 Bиды противоправных деяний. Особенная часть уголовного права.
GRNTI 06.77 Экономика труда. Трудовые ресурсы
The article is devoted to offenses committed in the labor market. The classification is based on such criteria as: public danger; the stage at which the offense is committed; the subject who commits the offense; the party that is harmed by the offense; the form of commission. As a result, the authors identified five groups of offenses, which fit into the currently existing structures of administrative offenses and criminal offenses. The article considers offenses related to the registration of employees in a business entity engaged in legal economic activity; offenses committed at the stage of employment; offenses committed during the execution of the terms of an employment contract by the parties; offenses related to the use of foreign citizens or stateless persons as labor. It is noted that crimes in the labor market can be divided into general ones, characteristic of the labor market, like any other type of markets, and specific ones, which can be committed only in the labor market. The article also defines the economic goals (motives) for committing these offenses. The presented classification expands the understanding of the labor market as a place where offenses are committed.
labor market, crimes, offenses, classification, economic goals, motives
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