Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 001.89 Организация науки и научно-исследовательских работ
The article discusses the issues of economic growth of sectors of the Russian economy, which will reduce resources for the production of goods, work and services or increase labor productivity in the organization. The use of resource-saving equipment and technologies is possible through the introduction of innovations. External and internal risks are analyzed when an entrepreneur chooses a type of economic activity. It has been established that land resources, provided they are dispersed, are less represented by high-tech industries, which opens up opportunities for innovation; there are also reserves for increasing the share of organizations that carry out technological innovations. The introduction of innovation is possible by attracting loans, the servicing of which requires comparing the profitability of the selected type of economic activity with the interest rate on borrowed funds. A mechanism for smoothing the cost of raw materials over time due to changes in taxes is presented.
innovation, economic growth, labor productivity, profitability, entrepreneur, resources
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