The work traces the main trends in the development of civil law in Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries in the context of changes in the socio-economic conditions of the post-reform period. Of particular interest is the development of the draft Civil Code, which was a natural result of the development of Russian civil law in the pre-Soviet period.
civil law, Russian Empire, post-reform period, draft Civil Code, draft Patrimonial Charter
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2. Introduction to the draft Civil Code compiled by the highest drafting commission established by the Editorial Commission // Addendum to the draft Civil Code. St. Petersburg, 1906. P. 1. (In Russ.)
3. Russian legislation of the 10th–20th century: in 9 volumes / under the general editorship of Corresponding Member. AEN RF, Dr Sci. (Law), prof. O. I. Chistyakov. Vol. 6: Legislation of the first half of the 19th century / ed. of the volume Dr Sci. (Law), prof. O. I. Chistyakov. M. : Legal literature, 1988. 431 p. (In Russ.)
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8. Shershenevich G. F. History of the codification of civil law in Russia. Kazan : Printing House of the Imperial University, 1898. 128 p. (In Russ.)
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10. Tomsinov V. A. Development of the draft Civil Code and the development of the science of civil law in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th century. Article six // Legislation. 2015. No. 7. P. 88–94. (In Russ.)
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13. Pakhman S. V. To the question of the subject and system of the Russian civil code. St. Petersburg : Printing house of the Governing Senate, 1882. 32 p. (In Russ.)
14. Ioffe O. S. Selected works on civil law: From the history of civil thought. Civil legal relations. Criticism of the theory of “economic law”. 4th ed. M.: Statute, 2020. 782 p. (In Russ.)
15. Gulyaev A. M. Unity of civil law and the draft Civil Code. Kyiv : Printing House of I. N. Kushnerev & Co Partnership, 1903. 143 p. (In Russ.)