UDK 811.161.1 Русский язык
This article discusses a special type of teaching materials – a control and training program. The program is analyzed through the prism of teaching Russian at a law school. Starting from the possession of the necessary qualities of legal speech by a modern police officer, the author proceeds to explain the concept of correctness of the oral and written official business text. The main thesis is the ability to work out a complex grammatical rule by using a control and training program, the speech samples of which are adapted for teaching in a non-linguistic university. The article shows the main part of the points of the volumetric rule on the norms of subject and predicate agreement in Russian, each point is explained by examples from the speech of a modern police officer or a text of an official business style. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that a complex grammatical rule of the Russian language is analyzed through the possibility of studying it by using a control and training program of a certain academic discipline.
control and training program, law university, language mistake, official business text, Russian language, subject and predicate agreement
1. The language and norms of judicial speech: a textbook / L. I. Ermolenkina, E. A. Kostyashina, N. V. Savelyeva. Tomsk: Publishing House of the Federal State University “Tomsk Central Research Institute”, 2012. 60 p. (In Russ.)
2. Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing / D. E. Rosenthal, E. V. Dzhandzhakova, N. P. Kabanova. Moscow: Chero, 1998. 400 p. (In Russ.)
3. Emelyanova A. M., Mikhailova A. G. Language training of a future police officer : solving typical tasks: a textbook. Ufa: Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2016. 52 p. (In Russ.)