UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
The article analyzes word-formation means of creating colloquial nouns that have a humorous connotation and considers various types of colloquial lexemes: figurative nouns, lexemes with one reinterpreted component, absolutely idiomatic lexemes that have no direct meaning. It presents the words that arose as a result of contamination and examines colloquial nouns resulting from a violation of semantic valence.
colloquial vocabulary, word-building, evaluation, comical element, re-comprehension, figurativeness
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2. Golub I. B. Stylistics of the Russian language. M.: Iris-press, 2005. 448 p. (In Russ.)
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4. Devkin V. D. Entertaining lexicology. M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center “Vlados”, 1998. 312 p. (In Russ.)
5. Devkin V. D. German-Russian dictionary of colloquial vocabulary: over 12 000 words. M.: Russian language, 1998. 768 p. (In Russ.)
6. Khosainova O. S., Omelchenko M. S. Semantic features of lexical idioms in the German language // World of science, culture, education. 2020. No. 2. P. 491-493. (In Russ.)
7. Barkalova N. V., Nagamova N. V., Chepurina I. V. Exocentric composites based on the violation of internal valence in German everyday speech // World of science, culture, education. 2019. No. 2. P. 464-465. (In Russ.)
8. Nikitina O. A., Gudkova O. A. Contamination as a manifestation of playful word creation in the discourse about the Covid-19 pandemic (based on new formations of the German language) // Current issues of modern philology and journalism. 2020. No. 4. P. 123-132. (In Russ.)
9. Devkin V. D. Lexicographic aspect of comic nomination // Bulletin of TSU. 1998. Issue 2. P. 45-52. (In Russ.)
10. Burenkova S. V. Playing with abbreviation as a way to create a comic effect (based on the material of the German language) // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. Story. Modernity. 2017. No. 4. P. 11-13. (In Russ.)