Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2949-0979 (online)
Periodicity (English)

Published since 2020 4 times a year 

Russian science citation index:
Yes 80544
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Manuscripts of scientific articles that correspond to the topic of the journal are accepted for publication, their content reflecting the results of fundamental and applied scientific research devoted to current problems in the development of legal, economic, sociological and philosophical sciences, which have not previously been sent to other publications and have not been published in the following scientific specialties and relevant branches of science:

5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.2. Public legal (state legal) sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).
5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences);
5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences);
5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences).
The article is prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.7-2021 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Articles in magazines and collections. Publishing design."

Requirements for the design of printed text

The type of article is indicated by a separate line to the left at the beginning of the article.

The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index is located next on a separate line on the left.

The title of the article is given in Russian and English.

Information about the author is provided in Russian and English (first name, patronymic, last name, name and address of the organization (institution), department where the author works or studies (indicate in full, including city and country), email address (this information will be published), open researcher and participant identifier “ORCID” (if available), contact numbers). If there is more than one author, one of them is indicated as responsible for correspondence. Additional information (academic degree, academic title, position) under the heading “Information about the author” is provided at the end of the article.

Abstract (100–150 words) and key words (6–10 words or phrases) are provided in Russian and English.

The citation link in Russian and English includes the surname, initials of the author, title of the article, name of the journal, planned year and issue number.

The structure of the article should consist of sections, which are indicated in the text of the article by the corresponding words:

– Introduction;

– Methods;

- Results;

– Discussion (if available);

- Conclusion.

An article-by-article bibliographic list of references containing at least 15 scientific sources and designed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for drafting” is located at the end of the text. In the text, an indication of the source is given in square brackets, where the number of the source from the bibliographic list is given, after a comma - the page cited. The numbering of sources is given in the order in which they are cited. Additionally, a list of extra-text bibliographic references in Latin (“References”) is provided. All sources in the bibliography must be referenced in the text of the article. The numbering of entries in the additional list of extra-text bibliographic references must coincide with the numbering of entries in the main list of extra-text bibliographic references.

Inclusion in the bibliographic list of anonymous sources and normative documents (decrees, laws, instructions, etc.) is not allowed due to the fact that they cannot be indexed in citation databases. The use in the bibliographic list of hard-to-reach, unpublished, low-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources: newspapers, unpublished reports, teaching aids and textbooks, reference books and dictionaries is not allowed. Links to the above sources are formatted as page footnotes in compliance with the appropriate formatting rules.

The article material is presented in electronic form in the Microsoft Word text editor using the Times New Roman font, font size – 14, line spacing – single. Manuscript pages must have margins of 2.5 cm each. It is allowed to divide the main text of the article into thematic headings and subheadings. Graphs, drawings, photographs, and other non-text elements are provided as separate files in TIFF, JPEG format, resolution - at least 300 dpi. Inscriptions and captions for illustrative material are given in the language of the article text and are repeated in English. The text must be at least 7 pages.

The originality of the text must be at least 60%. 

On the last sheet, the author(s) indicate: “The material has been proofread, figures, facts, quotes have been verified with the original source; does not contain information constituting state or other secrets protected by law, or information intended for official use; has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication in other publications,” signs, deciphers the signature, and puts the date. Applicants for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences also indicate: “The text has been agreed upon with the supervisor.” Next - date, surname and initials, position, academic degree, academic title, signature of the supervisor.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of quotes, surnames and first names, digital data, dates, and regulations. Before sending the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, the author must check the general spelling, as well as the correct spelling of the relevant legal terms.

In case of non-compliance with these requirements for the preparation of the manuscript of the article, the editors of the journal reserve the right not to consider it.

Manuscripts published in other publications are not accepted for consideration. If the manuscript of the article is simultaneously sent or has been sent to another publication, or has already been published earlier, the author is obliged to inform the editor about this.

Applicants, adjuncts, and graduate students provide feedback from their supervisor, certified by the seal of the organization.

By submitting an article for publication, the author agrees to its abridgement and editing, placement in legal reference systems, databases, and electronic resources (including on the Internet).

Review of articles is closed (one-way/two-way blind).

The date of receipt of the article by the editor is considered the day the complete set of materials is provided. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its receipt is considered the day the final version of the text of the article was received.

Scientific articles sent to the editor must be accompanied by a completed and signed application for publication of a scientific article.

Providing material to the editor

Materials are provided to the editor through the official website of the journal “Society, Law, Statehood: Retrospective and Prospect”. To submit material, the author must register.

After registering in your personal account, click on the “Send manuscript” button. Select “Create” –> “Journal Article”.

Enter the title of the article. The article creation window will open. Fill in the information in the “Metadata” and “Authors” sections. Upload in the “Files” section (click on the “Download” button):

– article in .docx format;

– article with signatures of the authors on the last page in .pdf format;

– illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in .jpg format (if available);

– review from the supervisor in .pdf format (if available);

– application for publication of a scientific article in .pdf format.

The “Text”, “Bibliography” and “Topics” sections do not need to be filled out.

Click on the “Submit Manuscript” button. Select “Request for publication”. In the list of publications, select “Bulletin of the Ufa Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, in the list of headings, select the current heading from the proposed list and click “Submit Application”.

When an article is received by the editor, it undergoes an initial check to ensure compliance with formal requirements.

If it is necessary to refine the article, all changes are made to the text document. The original version of the article is deleted, and the corrected version is uploaded to the “Files” section on the application page.

The journal in its activities is guided by the principles of publication ethics developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk/), the Council of Science Editors CSE (http://www.councilscienceeditors .org/), Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers ANRI (http://rasep.ru/). 

The editors accept manuscripts of articles in electronic form (via your personal account on the journal’s website https://obshtestvo-uyi.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/226/view).

Along with the manuscript of the article, an application for its publication is submitted to the editors of the journal. Applicants, adjuncts and graduate students provide feedback on the manuscript from their supervisor.

The date of receipt of the article by the editor is considered the day the complete set of materials is provided. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its receipt is considered the day the final version of the text of the article was received.

The editorial and publishing department checks the originality of the text using the Anti-Plagiarism system. If necessary, corresponds with the authors to eliminate comments. After eliminating the comments, he forwards the articles to the chief (scientific) editor and to the editorial board.

The journal adopts “double-blind” (the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s names) review of articles. Based on the analysis of the article, the reviewer makes a decision to recommend it for publication (without revision or with revision) or reject it.

The release of the magazine is preceded by proofreading and production of the original layout of the magazine.

The publication of the journal is carried out on the basis of the results of peer review, the expert opinion of the institute’s commission on the secrecy regime and the recommendations of the editorial and publishing council of the institute.

More detailed information on the procedure for publishing articles can be found in the Methodological Recommendations.

All manuscripts of scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are subject to review.

Review of articles is closed (one-way/two-way blind).

Members of the editorial board, as well as specialists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of knowledge and have published publications within 3 years in the relevant scientific specialty, can act as reviewers.

A member of the editorial board who is the author's supervisor cannot act as a reviewer.

The review is compiled in free form, contains an analysis of the presented text, a reasoned expert assessment of the scientific level and scientific novelty of the article, indicates compliance (non-compliance) with the group of scientific specialties of the journal, reflects the relevance of the work, the degree of solution of the scientific or applied problem, the positive and negative aspects of the work. At the end, the reviewer makes a conclusion: recommend for publication, return to the author for revision, or not recommend for publication. If the review has a negative expert assessment, the editorial board of the journal informs the author of the refusal to publish the article.

The review preparation period is set by agreement with the reviewer, but cannot exceed 2 months from the date the manuscript is received by the reviewer.

The editors of the publication send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of scientific articles, as well as copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.

Bondarenko Yulia  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry istorii i teorii gosudarstva i prava)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Burkhanova Flyura  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Academy of Sciences (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta sociologii Federal'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo sociologicheskogo centra)
doctor of sociological sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Gaidai Maria  — Member of the editorial board
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (nachal'nik kafedry filosofii i social'no-gumanitarnyh disciplin)
doctor of sociological sciences
Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2240-4220
Grachev Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Volgograd Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry konstitucionnogo i administrativnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Grigoriev Viktor  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (professor kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Gusmanov Iskander  — Member of the editorial board
Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii (Ufimskiy filial) (professor kafedry «Finansy i kredit»)
doctor of economic sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Gusmanov Rasul Uzbekovich  — Member of the editorial board
Bashkir State Agrarian University (professor kafedry ekonomiki i menedzhmenta)
doctor of economic sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Dallakyan Karlen  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (professor kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Denisova Liubov  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Department of Theory and Methodology of Public Administrationprofessor of the department)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Desyatov Mikhail  — Member of the editorial board
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation (pervyy zamestitel' nachal'nika (po uchebnoy rabote))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Omsk, Russian Federation
Divaeva Irina  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Dizer Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Belgorod Law Institute of the MIA of Russia named after I. D. Putilin (zamestitel' nachal'nika (po nauchnoy rabote))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Belgorod, Russian Federation
Emelin Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy federal'nyy issledovatel'skiy centr RAN (direktor Instituta etnologicheskih issledovaniy im. R.G. Kuzeeva)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Endoltseva Alla  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V. Ya. Kikotya (professor kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Zaycev Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii ,
Pochetnyy rabotnik vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ivanov Dmitry Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V.Ya. Kikotya (nachal'nik kafedry predvaritel'nogo rassledovaniya)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ilyashenko Aleksey  — Member of the editorial board
Kuban State University (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Kubani
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Karimova Gulnaz  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (docent kafedry administrativno-pravovyh disciplin)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Kolin Konstantin  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Academy of Sciences (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta problem informatiki Federal'nogo issledovatel'skogo centra «Informatika i upravlenie»)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Makareyko Nikolay  — Member of the editorial board
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (professor kafedry administrativnogo prava i processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Makarenko Ilona Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (prorektor po obrazovatel'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Respubliki Bashkortostan ,
zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Respubliki Bashkortostan
Ufa, Russian Federation
Malikov Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Nebratenko Gennady  — Member of the editorial board
Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii (professor kafedry gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Nizamov Sadyk  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (starshiy prepodavatel' kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of economic sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Osokin Roman  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik fakul'teta podgotovki nauchno-pedagogicheskih i nauchnyh kadrov)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Pobedkin Alexandr V Viktorovich  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of Administration of MIA of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnoy politiki)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Poezzhalov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry operativno-razysknoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Salnikov Evgeny  — Member of the editorial board
Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov (Department of Social and Philosophical Disciplines, head of department)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Orel, Russian Federation
Samigullin Venir  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry konstitucionnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Subkhangulov Rustem  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (nachal'nik kafedry upravleniya v organah vnutrennih del)
candidate of economic sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Sukhoplyuev Pavel  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (docent kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of sociological sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexander  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy ugolovnogo prava i processa Instituta prava)
doctoral candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Khabibullina Zilya  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (professor kafedry filosofii i kul'turologii)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Khimicheva Olga  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Khusainov Ramil  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry operativno-razysknoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Tsukanov Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Federal state public educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Deputy Head (for scientific work))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Shaikhullin Marat  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Yanbukhtin Rail  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (docent kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of sociological sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Terehov Aleksey  — Editor-in-chief
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (zamestitel' nachal'nika (po nauchnoy rabote))
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Isaev Andrey  — Deputy editor-in-chief
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of philosophical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy rabotnik obrazovaniya Respubliki Bashkortostan
Ufa, Russian Federation
Seliverstova Anna  — Editor
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (Redakcionno-izdatel'skiy otdel, Glavnyy redaktor gruppy poligraficheskoy i operativnoy pechati)
Ufa, Russian Federation
Latypov Vadim  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Ivanov Petr  — Member of the editorial board
Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik nauchno-issledovatel'skogo centra)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bezlepkina Ol'ga Vyacheslavovna  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry professional'noy podgotovki)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Bel'skiy Vitaliy Yur'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
doctor of philosophical sciences

Kolesnikov Valeriy Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
candidate of sociological sciences

Kubyakin Evgeny  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Department of Theory and Methodology of Public Administration, Professor)
doctor of sociological sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker in the field of education Of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kudryashev Aleksandr Fedorovich  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Mukhametov Pavel  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of the MIA of Russia (kafedra teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava, nachal'nik kafedry)
candidate of historical sciences
Russian Federation
Nugaeva El'vira  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (kafedra kriminalistiki, nachal'nik)
from 01.01.1996 to 01.01.2024 candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Ufa, Russian Federation
Plotnikov Vladimir Valer'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Red'ko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (pervyy zamestitel' nachal'nika)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Stovba Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial board


Архивные рубрики

Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institute of Higher Education «Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation»
The certificate of registration of the periodical

The scientific journal “Society, Law, Statehood: Retrospective and Prospect” has been published since 2020 (it is the legal successor of the journal “Law: Retrospective and Prospect”).

Registered with the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications. Certificate of registration of mass media El No. FS 77 – 84275 dated December 8, 2022.

In 2022, the journal changed its name and form of periodical distribution to an electronic periodical and was assigned a unique ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) used to identify the publication: 2949–0979.

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system. Full-text versions of each issue of the journal are posted in the public domain on the platform of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU and on the official website of the Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the Internet.

On December 19, 2023, the journal was included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, in a scientific specialty, should be published 5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).

The editorial board accepts for consideration and publication scientific articles whose content reflects modern problems of law and state, their historical aspect, current issues of jurisprudence, law enforcement, development and improvement of higher legal education, methods of training and education in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, about communications legal science and practice, as well as reviews and comments on legislation, essays and materials on the following scientific specialties and relevant branches of science: 5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal sciences). 5.1.2. Public legal (state legal) sciences (legal sciences). 5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences). 5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences); 5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences); 5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences).

Manuscripts of scientific articles that correspond to the topic of the journal are accepted for publication, their content reflecting the results of fundamental and applied scientific research devoted to current problems in the development of legal, economic, sociological and philosophical sciences, which have not previously been sent to other publications and have not been published in the following scientific specialties and relevant branches of science:

5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.2. Public legal (state legal) sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).
5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences);
5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences);
5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences).
The article is prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.7-2021 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Articles in magazines and collections. Publishing design."

Requirements for the design of printed text

The type of article is indicated by a separate line to the left at the beginning of the article.

The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index is located next on a separate line on the left.

The title of the article is given in Russian and English.

Information about the author is provided in Russian and English (first name, patronymic, last name, name and address of the organization (institution), department where the author works or studies (indicate in full, including city and country), email address (this information will be published), open researcher and participant identifier “ORCID” (if available), contact numbers). If there is more than one author, one of them is indicated as responsible for correspondence. Additional information (academic degree, academic title, position) under the heading “Information about the author” is provided at the end of the article.

Abstract (100–150 words) and key words (6–10 words or phrases) are provided in Russian and English.

The citation link in Russian and English includes the surname, initials of the author, title of the article, name of the journal, planned year and issue number.

The structure of the article should consist of sections, which are indicated in the text of the article by the corresponding words:

– Introduction;

– Methods;

- Results;

– Discussion (if available);

- Conclusion.

An article-by-article bibliographic list of references containing at least 15 scientific sources and designed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for drafting” is located at the end of the text. In the text, an indication of the source is given in square brackets, where the number of the source from the bibliographic list is given, after a comma - the page cited. The numbering of sources is given in the order in which they are cited. Additionally, a list of extra-text bibliographic references in Latin (“References”) is provided. All sources in the bibliography must be referenced in the text of the article. The numbering of entries in the additional list of extra-text bibliographic references must coincide with the numbering of entries in the main list of extra-text bibliographic references.

Inclusion in the bibliographic list of anonymous sources and normative documents (decrees, laws, instructions, etc.) is not allowed due to the fact that they cannot be indexed in citation databases. The use in the bibliographic list of hard-to-reach, unpublished, low-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources: newspapers, unpublished reports, teaching aids and textbooks, reference books and dictionaries is not allowed. Links to the above sources are formatted as page footnotes in compliance with the appropriate formatting rules.

The article material is presented in electronic form in the Microsoft Word text editor using the Times New Roman font, font size – 14, line spacing – single. Manuscript pages must have margins of 2.5 cm each. It is allowed to divide the main text of the article into thematic headings and subheadings. Graphs, drawings, photographs, and other non-text elements are provided as separate files in TIFF, JPEG format, resolution - at least 300 dpi. Inscriptions and captions for illustrative material are given in the language of the article text and are repeated in English. The text must be at least 7 pages.

The originality of the text must be at least 60%. 

On the last sheet, the author(s) indicate: “The material has been proofread, figures, facts, quotes have been verified with the original source; does not contain information constituting state or other secrets protected by law, or information intended for official use; has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication in other publications,” signs, deciphers the signature, and puts the date. Applicants for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences also indicate: “The text has been agreed upon with the supervisor.” Next - date, surname and initials, position, academic degree, academic title, signature of the supervisor.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of quotes, surnames and first names, digital data, dates, and regulations. Before sending the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, the author must check the general spelling, as well as the correct spelling of the relevant legal terms.

In case of non-compliance with these requirements for the preparation of the manuscript of the article, the editors of the journal reserve the right not to consider it.

Manuscripts published in other publications are not accepted for consideration. If the manuscript of the article is simultaneously sent or has been sent to another publication, or has already been published earlier, the author is obliged to inform the editor about this.

Applicants, adjuncts, and graduate students provide feedback from their supervisor, certified by the seal of the organization.

By submitting an article for publication, the author agrees to its abridgement and editing, placement in legal reference systems, databases, and electronic resources (including on the Internet).

Review of articles is closed (one-way/two-way blind).

The date of receipt of the article by the editor is considered the day the complete set of materials is provided. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its receipt is considered the day the final version of the text of the article was received.

Scientific articles sent to the editor must be accompanied by a completed and signed application for publication of a scientific article.

Providing material to the editor

Materials are provided to the editor through the official website of the journal “Society, Law, Statehood: Retrospective and Prospect”. To submit material, the author must register.

After registering in your personal account, click on the “Send manuscript” button. Select “Create” –> “Journal Article”.

Enter the title of the article. The article creation window will open. Fill in the information in the “Metadata” and “Authors” sections. Upload in the “Files” section (click on the “Download” button):

– article in .docx format;

– article with signatures of the authors on the last page in .pdf format;

– illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in .jpg format (if available);

– review from the supervisor in .pdf format (if available);

– application for publication of a scientific article in .pdf format.

The “Text”, “Bibliography” and “Topics” sections do not need to be filled out.

Click on the “Submit Manuscript” button. Select “Request for publication”. In the list of publications, select “Bulletin of the Ufa Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, in the list of headings, select the current heading from the proposed list and click “Submit Application”.

When an article is received by the editor, it undergoes an initial check to ensure compliance with formal requirements.

If it is necessary to refine the article, all changes are made to the text document. The original version of the article is deleted, and the corrected version is uploaded to the “Files” section on the application page.

The journal in its activities is guided by the principles of publication ethics developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk/), the Council of Science Editors CSE (http://www.councilscienceeditors .org/), Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers ANRI (http://rasep.ru/). 

The editors accept manuscripts of articles in electronic form (via your personal account on the journal’s website https://obshtestvo-uyi.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/226/view).

Along with the manuscript of the article, an application for its publication is submitted to the editors of the journal. Applicants, adjuncts and graduate students provide feedback on the manuscript from their supervisor.

The date of receipt of the article by the editor is considered the day the complete set of materials is provided. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its receipt is considered the day the final version of the text of the article was received.

The editorial and publishing department checks the originality of the text using the Anti-Plagiarism system. If necessary, corresponds with the authors to eliminate comments. After eliminating the comments, he forwards the articles to the chief (scientific) editor and to the editorial board.

The journal adopts “double-blind” (the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s names) review of articles. Based on the analysis of the article, the reviewer makes a decision to recommend it for publication (without revision or with revision) or reject it.

The release of the magazine is preceded by proofreading and production of the original layout of the magazine.

The publication of the journal is carried out on the basis of the results of peer review, the expert opinion of the institute’s commission on the secrecy regime and the recommendations of the editorial and publishing council of the institute.

More detailed information on the procedure for publishing articles can be found in the Methodological Recommendations.

The publication of the journal is financed from the funds of the journal's founder - the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"

All manuscripts of scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are subject to review.

Review of articles is closed (one-way/two-way blind).

Members of the editorial board, as well as specialists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of knowledge and have published publications within 3 years in the relevant scientific specialty, can act as reviewers.

A member of the editorial board who is the author's supervisor cannot act as a reviewer.

The review is compiled in free form, contains an analysis of the presented text, a reasoned expert assessment of the scientific level and scientific novelty of the article, indicates compliance (non-compliance) with the group of scientific specialties of the journal, reflects the relevance of the work, the degree of solution of the scientific or applied problem, the positive and negative aspects of the work. At the end, the reviewer makes a conclusion: recommend for publication, return to the author for revision, or not recommend for publication. If the review has a negative expert assessment, the editorial board of the journal informs the author of the refusal to publish the article.

The review preparation period is set by agreement with the reviewer, but cannot exceed 2 months from the date the manuscript is received by the reviewer.

The editors of the publication send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of scientific articles, as well as copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.

Published since 2020 4 times a year 

                        Emel'yanov Sergey Vladimirovich
Emel'yanov Sergey Vladimirovich Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
candidate of economic sciences

                        Ermakova Ol'ga Vladimirovna
Ermakova Ol'ga Vladimirovna Barnaul'skiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii, professor)

                        Ermolaeva Lyubov' Nikolaevna
Ermolaeva Lyubov' Nikolaevna Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry

                        Zavaliy Bella Aleksandrovna
Zavaliy Bella Aleksandrovna Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

                        Зиберова Ольга
Зиберова Ольга Kaliningrad branch of Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra kriminalistiki, starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Ziganshin Marsel' Nursilevich
Ziganshin Marsel' Nursilevich Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry

                        Zolkin Andrey L'vovich
Zolkin Andrey L'vovich Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
doctor of philosophical sciences


                        Zubkevich Lada
Zubkevich Lada Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe kazennoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya «Nizhegorodskaya akademiya Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossiyskoy Federacii» (kafedra filosofii, docent)
from 01.01.2021 until now candidate of philosophical sciences from 01.01.2006 until now

                        Ivanov Sergey Evgen'evich
Ivanov Sergey Evgen'evich Bashkir State Agrarian University

                        Il'ichev Ivan Igorevich
Il'ichev Ivan Igorevich The Ulyanovsk state university

                        Isaev Andrey
Isaev Andrey Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of philosophical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy rabotnik obrazovaniya Respubliki Bashkortostan

                        Ismailov Dmitriy
Ismailov Dmitriy Prosecutor's Office of the Samara region (Assistant Prosecutor)
from 01.01.2024 until now candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        KARIMOV RIM RIMOVICH
KARIMOV RIM RIMOVICH Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii
candidate of jurisprudence sciences


                        Kaac Marina Eval'dovna
Kaac Marina Eval'dovna Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (docent kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences


                        Kabanov Pavel
Kabanov Pavel Togliatti State University

Bondarenko Yulia  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry istorii i teorii gosudarstva i prava)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Burkhanova Flyura  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Academy of Sciences (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta sociologii Federal'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo sociologicheskogo centra)
doctor of sociological sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Gaidai Maria  — Member of the editorial board
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (nachal'nik kafedry filosofii i social'no-gumanitarnyh disciplin)
doctor of sociological sciences

Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2240-4220
Grachev Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Volgograd Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry konstitucionnogo i administrativnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Volgograd, Russian Federation
Grigoriev Viktor  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (professor kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Gusmanov Iskander  — Member of the editorial board
Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii (Ufimskiy filial) (professor kafedry «Finansy i kredit»)
doctor of economic sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Gusmanov Rasul Uzbekovich  — Member of the editorial board
Bashkir State Agrarian University (professor kafedry ekonomiki i menedzhmenta)
doctor of economic sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Dallakyan Karlen  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (professor kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
doctor of philosophical sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Denisova Liubov  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Department of Theory and Methodology of Public Administrationprofessor of the department)
doctor of philosophical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Desyatov Mikhail  — Member of the editorial board
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation (pervyy zamestitel' nachal'nika (po uchebnoy rabote))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Omsk, Russian Federation
Divaeva Irina  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Dizer Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Belgorod Law Institute of the MIA of Russia named after I. D. Putilin (zamestitel' nachal'nika (po nauchnoy rabote))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Belgorod, Russian Federation
Emelin Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy federal'nyy issledovatel'skiy centr RAN (direktor Instituta etnologicheskih issledovaniy im. R.G. Kuzeeva)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Endoltseva Alla  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V. Ya. Kikotya (professor kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Zaycev Oleg  — Member of the editorial board
Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii Pochetnyy rabotnik vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ivanov Dmitry Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V.Ya. Kikotya (nachal'nik kafedry predvaritel'nogo rassledovaniya)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ilyashenko Aleksey  — Member of the editorial board
Kuban State University (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Kubani
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Karimova Gulnaz  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (docent kafedry administrativno-pravovyh disciplin)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Kolin Konstantin  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Academy of Sciences (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta problem informatiki Federal'nogo issledovatel'skogo centra «Informatika i upravlenie»)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Makareyko Nikolay  — Member of the editorial board
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (professor kafedry administrativnogo prava i processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Makarenko Ilona Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (prorektor po obrazovatel'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Respubliki Bashkortostan zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Respubliki Bashkortostan
Ufa, Russian Federation
Malikov Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Nebratenko Gennady  — Member of the editorial board
Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii (professor kafedry gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Nizamov Sadyk  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (starshiy prepodavatel' kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of economic sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Osokin Roman  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik fakul'teta podgotovki nauchno-pedagogicheskih i nauchnyh kadrov)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Pobedkin Alexandr V Viktorovich  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of Administration of MIA of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnoy politiki)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Poezzhalov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry operativno-razysknoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Salnikov Evgeny  — Member of the editorial board
Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov (Department of Social and Philosophical Disciplines, head of department)
doctor of philosophical sciences

Orel, Russian Federation
Samigullin Venir  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (professor kafedry konstitucionnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Subkhangulov Rustem  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (nachal'nik kafedry upravleniya v organah vnutrennih del)
candidate of economic sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Sukhoplyuev Pavel  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (docent kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of sociological sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexander  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy ugolovnogo prava i processa Instituta prava)
doctoral candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Khabibullina Zilya  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy (professor kafedry filosofii i kul'turologii)
doctor of philosophical sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Khimicheva Olga  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Khusainov Ramil  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (docent kafedry operativno-razysknoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Tsukanov Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Federal state public educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Deputy Head (for scientific work))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Shaikhullin Marat  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Yanbukhtin Rail  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (docent kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of sociological sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Terehov Aleksey  — Editor-in-chief
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (zamestitel' nachal'nika (po nauchnoy rabote))
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Isaev Andrey  — Deputy editor-in-chief
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry social'no-gumanitarnyh i ekonomicheskih disciplin)
candidate of philosophical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy rabotnik obrazovaniya Respubliki Bashkortostan
Ufa, Russian Federation
Seliverstova Anna  — Editor
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (Redakcionno-izdatel'skiy otdel, Glavnyy redaktor gruppy poligraficheskoy i operativnoy pechati)

Ufa, Russian Federation
Latypov Vadim  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Ivanov Petr  — Member of the editorial board
Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik nauchno-issledovatel'skogo centra)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Bezlepkina Ol'ga Vyacheslavovna  — Member of the editorial board
Ufimskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (nachal'nik kafedry professional'noy podgotovki)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences


Bel'skiy Vitaliy Yur'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
doctor of philosophical sciences


Kolesnikov Valeriy Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
candidate of sociological sciences


Kubyakin Evgeny  — Member of the editorial board
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Department of Theory and Methodology of Public Administration, Professor)
doctor of sociological sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker in the field of education Of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kudryashev Aleksandr Fedorovich  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Mukhametov Pavel  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of the MIA of Russia (kafedra teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava, nachal'nik kafedry)
candidate of historical sciences

Russian Federation
Nugaeva El'vira  — Member of the editorial board
Ufa Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry (kafedra kriminalistiki, nachal'nik)
from 01.01.1996 to 01.01.2024 candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Ufa, Russian Federation
Plotnikov Vladimir Valer'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Red'ko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (pervyy zamestitel' nachal'nika)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


Stovba Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial board

Terekhov Alexey Yuryevich, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, the Deputy Chief (in reaserch work) of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation.


The mission of the journal is to publish the results of scientific research reflecting the most important problems of law and state from a modern and historical-legal perspective, current issues of jurisprudence, law enforcement activities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, fundamental and applied scientific research devoted to current problems of development of legal, economic, sociological and philosophical sciences.

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